iPQ-Surface ENERGY - High end surface inspection and measurement for battery cell production

iPQ-Surface ENERGY

The use of inline quality assurance systems is required to ensure product quality during the production of the electrode material in the individual process steps. BST iPQ-SurfaceENERGY is a high-end surface inspection and measurement system designed specifically for battery cell production. This ensures perfect coating and separator film quality across different process steps, and thus of the subsequent battery, and is completely independent of the machine manufacturer.

Customer benefit & USP

All defects visible thanks to multiplex illumination

High-speed image processing for highest web speeds

100% quality across different machines or systems

Less waste thanks to intelligent and teachable defect classification

Optimized overall system efficiency

Reduction of total cost of ownership

Perfect for these industries

Have we caught your interest? Get in touch!

“The ECOGuide is BST web guiding technology reduced to the essentials. Ready for connection, easy to understand, accurate in the control result and absolutely reliable, it is the cost-effective complete solution for the narrow web sector.”

Mail us to : info@bsteltromat-india.com